Thrills & Chills Travel

Thrills & Chills Travel
Making Magical Memories One VACATION At A time

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day 2013

Earth Day 2013


Thrills & Chills Travel ~ Making Magical Memories One VACATION At A Time


Top 10 Easy Earth Day Activity Ideas.

Earth Day is just around the corner.

Have you thought about what you might do to celebrate this big blue and green marble we call home? Well, here are some ideas for some earth friendly activities that you can do with friends and/or family for a fun and green Earth Day!
1. Go Meatless! Combine Meatless Monday with Earth Day for a healthy and environmental one-two punch!
2. Join a beach or park cleanup with groups like the Surfrider Foundation
3. Plant a tree—visit the Arbor Day site for more info
4. Check out a Green Drinks event in your area
5. If you have children, print out our calendar and draw a green star for each day that you do an activity that helps the earth!
6. Get your green thumbs dirty and start a garden. While you’re at it, start a compost pile too!
7. Turn trash into treasure! Refurbish an old sofa, chair or even a garment. Get crafty and creative and you just might produce a work of art!
8. Park your car. Spend the day walking or biking to the places you need to go. If you’re heading somewhere that’s a bit far, try public transportation!
9. Green Spring Clean. Swap our bulbs for energy efficient CFL’s, clean your house with eco alternative products, upcycle and or donate unwanted clothing and household items, etc. Get creative!
10. Cook up a local, organic meal and serve up some organic cocktails! Toast mother earth and yourself too!
Hopefully some of these ideas spark your imagination! Happy Earth Day!
For more information, visit Healthy Voyager.

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